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i wonder if she is or not


okay about a month ago i picked up a stray cat. she looked about 8 mopnthes old but i thought she was just small. are american short haired calicos small or not? and i think she may be pregnat. im nopt sure though. wat are the signs or her being in heat? she has been wanting more affection than usual and there are many male cats around including my ale cat. can you help??

Hi Kelsie If this cat is not spayed then she is most likely pregnant. It is almost impossible for an unspayed cat to be outside without getting bred. The only time a cat will not get pregnant is if she is spayed or if there is something wrong with her reproductive organs. Any cat over 5 months can be pregnant. You will know she is pregnant if she does NOT come in heat and if her nipples start to pink up and stick out. When a cat is in heat they try to get out of the house and they meow a lot and they will crouch down into a breeding position.