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Introducing 2 Kittens


i have an almost 3 month old male kitten.  my neighbor has a male also that is maybe a week younger, but about 1/3 smaller.  my neighbor is afraid that my cat will "beat up" his cat.  what is the best way to introduce them b/c we want them to be buddies if possible.  also, what is the appropriate age to take a kitten from the litter so that it will not adopt the biting behavoir i've heard of?

thank you so much

Hi Jacob,
You didn't say, but are you planning on leaving them together or just letting them get together from time to time?  If it's just from time to time, you may have a problem as each time you introduce them, they will probably have to get to know each other all over again.
Both need to be neutered as soon as your Vet says is OK.  My kitten is five months old and has just been neutered.  If you don't, they will be very aggressive towards each other and will probably start spraying as a territorial thing.   As far as introducing them, you just need to put them together and see how they do.  Most kittens warm up to each other pretty quickly.  You're going to have hissing and growling at first.  I have a three month old and a five month old Siamese and you would think they are killing each other the way they go on.  But this is called "aggressive play".  They will growl and bite each other and then chase each other through the house. This is all perfectly normal and unless there are true bites that cause bloodshed, then you can consider it normal.  I thought my older kitten was being too rough on the little one and I went to rescue her, only to have her squirm away and go back for more!  They love it!  It's the kind of play that cats do in the wild, pretending to fight their opposition.  I'm not sure what you mean by "biting behavior".   Kittens will play bite, it's all part of the game. But if it is too hard, just tap them on the nose and firmly say NO.  Normally this happens when there is not another cat to play with, and the human becomes their playmate. They are biting on you as they would the other kitten in their "agressive play" mode.  You just need to make sure it doesn't get out of hand.
I hope this helps.
God Bless,