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adopting a new kitten


I have a 4 yr old male Tabby who has been an "only child cat".
A friend is going to give me her 4 mo. old Tabby-male.
I work full time. They will be alone in the house, weekdays.
The end of the year, my son will take back his adult cat.
How do I help them to adjust to each other?
How do I get new kitten to eat kitten food and adult cat to eat his own adult food?
ANy other advice?

Hi Marcia, I will answer the easiest question first. I have NO idea how you get each cat to eat their own food !! If you find a way let me know ! My cats all merge together and eat the dogs food, the kitten food and the diet food... groan.
Aside from separating them I don't think there is any other way to accomplish that.
Now, regarding the introduction. I would take it slowly with these two. Bring the kitten home and keep him in a room by himself with his litter box and food etc. Your older cat will sniff under the door and get used to the smell of the kitten and the noises etc. Several hours or even a day later you can try to switch them! Put the older cat into the room with the kittens things and let the kitten roam the house and find his way around. Then switch them back !! I would do this for a couple of days before face to face introductions start. When you first introduce them it is important to give lots of attention to the older cat. Pat him and give him favourite treats etc. Make sure you can be home for a couple of hours and then separate them again when you have to go out. You will see that they will eventually leave each other alone and will be safe to be left alone together when you are at work. They may not be best friends right away but they should tolerate each other within 4-5 days !
Good luck, Teresa