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bengal kitten suitable match


Hi, i have a male bengal kitten - 6 months old and i've had him for 3 months. i have an outdoor enclosure i built for him as he is an indoor cat. i feed him raw meet which is his favourite - all the best of everything. i work 6 days a week so during the day he sleeps which i play with him in the morning and night as he won't let me sleep in if he wants to play. He only recently started peeing in the laundry within the clothes basket and in my wardrobe. I am not sure why as nothing out of the unusual has changed. Can you help me please???

Hi Terri Lee,

It sounds like he might have an urinary tract infection. When there is a change in a cat's litter box behavior it usually means they are sick. And urinating out side the box is a good indication that he has a U.T.I. Take him to your vet and have him checked out. Also clean the area he has been using with a good enzymatic cat urine stain remover. This way he won't be tempted to use that area again. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen