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WAY Too loveable?


 Although an affectioncate cat at times, our Star has never gone over board. Picking and choosing her moments to let u kiss her head. I had her spayed about 10 days ago. Since the moment the drugs wore off her, she has acted almost as bad as if she were in heat. She is more vocal (but not yowling like when in heat). She cries and cries until I open my door and let her stay with me. She wont leave the side of one of us at all when we are here, especially me the household mom. She purrs constantly and is rubbing and wanting love like I have only seen her in preheat style. She is now occassionally even trying to bury herself under the covers and behind my pillows. She would have never allowed that in the past. What in the world has come over her? Do u think it is temporary? I had her spayed for all the right reasons and especially so that she wouldnt be so weirded out, and it seems now she is almost as bad as she was pre surgery, but now constantly instead of once a month????? We love her dearly but cant seem to get her out of our laps or in the chair butted up against us! What has come over her?
 Did the anesthesia mess with her permenantly, or was it the fear of being in the clinic away from us, and staying in a carrier overnight? Good grief shes too loveable if that is possible! iF YOU DONT KNOW PLEASE ASK YOUR VET AND GET BACK TO ME!.....Signed, Suffocated by Obcessed Cat Love


I think that your kitty is just trying to thank you and tell you how much she missed you and how glad she is that you came to get her and bring her home. I have seen a few cats who undergo personality changes after coming home from being altered. Some cats become shy and tempermental, some cats don't change at all, and lastly some cats are so grateful to come home that they become velcro kitties. You should take your kitty's affection as a compliment, she is just trying to tell you how much you mean to her and how lonely it was without you. She may have developed a slight case of separation anxiety simply because she was without you for 24 hours or so, she may have thought that you weren't coming back and that she was going to stay at the vet's office. I think that if you introduce some interactive play (kitty teases, kitten mittens, toy mice) and don't pay any mind to the velcro aspect of things she will likely settle down. If you think that she may be sick it is worth talking to your own vet since this behavior is new and a change from what you know as normal for Star. Personally I wouldn't be too worried if the vet has given her the all clear (I am assuming that she has been back for a post operative check up?)....Time, exercise and patience should tone down the obsession nicely for you. The staff at the local vet clinic were somewhat amused to hear that your kitty had become to affectionate for your liking as most behavioral questions they receive concern aggression or problematic behavior. They suggest that if Star demands attention at inappropriate times (at the dinner table would be an example) then just place her gently on the ground. Try this 3-4 times, it's how mama cats wean their young and repetition is how they learn best. If this doesn't work and she continues to insert herself at completely inappropriate times you can place her in another room til dinner is over....At all other times you can give her a few pets, tell her how wonderful she is, and then go about your daily business. I think you will find that once she realises that she is not going to have to be spayed again (or hopefully kept in hospital overnight) she may settle quite well. It is certainly suggested that Star sees the vet because this is a new behavior that is a bit out of character for her so if she hasn't been back since her spay it might be a good idea to take her soon. I hope that this information helps. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me again.