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Deworming a kitty with DE


I have an 8 week old kitty w/worms.  how much diatomaceous earth should i add to food to deworm her?


To my knowledge diatomaceous earth shouldn't be given to cats or kittens as a dewormer. A holistic vet or a regular vet will be able to provide a proper dewormer. If you want more natural approaches then I would highly recommend that you see a holistic vet and see what your options are. Holistic vets are trained in conventional medicine as well as alternative therapies including homeopathy, massage or acupuncture. My vet is a holistic practitioner and she has never recommended diatomaceous earth as a dewormer, in fact she usually uses a broad spectrum dewormer for initial dewormings during kittenhood followed if necessary by dewormers geared towards specific types of worms in the event that the broad spectrum dewormer hasn't gotten rid of all of the intestinal parasites.