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Cats vomiting


I have two Siamese cats (ages 7 & 10) that have always been notorious vomiters.  I'd say I have to clean up after them at least three times a week.  Most of the time it is undigested food.  I'm not sure what I can do to remedy this.  I've recently switched them from Iams to Nutri Source cat food hoping the higher quality would help with better digestion.  I'm not sure if this is a hairball issue.  I have tried using the Hartz Hair Ball Treatment Gel to see if that would help but I've not noticed a difference.  They both appear to be very healthy and happy in every other way.  Do you have any suggestions?

try giving them smaller portions of food at more regular intervals also mix some dry food with some wet. I had the same problem with my cat and it was down to her eating too quickly and too much.

It may also be an idea to feed the cats in seperate areas or at different times as one of the reasons for eating too quickly could be that they are afraid the other cat will try and eat there food also.

best wishes