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Thinking of getting a cat


Hi - I've been wanting to get a cat for almost 10yrs now, ever since my cousin got one and i got to know cats since. I really consider myself a cat lover; if I visit a house with a cat I end up spending most of my time playing with it. I just bought my flat and am settling down and am wondering if this is the right time to adopt a cat. I am single and work from 8 to 7-8 daily, but i do spend lots of time at home on weekends. I live in a one bedroom flat in central london with no balcony (although i do have big windows and nice views) its about 700sqfeet. I also travel about once a month for 4 days or so but I am spender and dont have a problem with paying up for good cat-hotels or such arrangements. Do you think given that i'm single (no kids to entertain the pet) and working most of the time on weekdays and living in a relatively confined space with no access to the outdoors, will the cat be able to get by? Can you please suggest a cat breed? Thanks a lot

Hi Salim,

It's great that you are asking questions first before getting a companion. I believe that you would make a wonderful home for a cat. The only suggestion that I would make is that maybe you get two of them. This way they will keep each other company while you are gone. And there are lots of studies that show that two cats in a household are healthier and happier.

I would suggest you get two that have been together. And I would suggest that you get adult cats rather than kittens. Seeing how you are gone all day long you won't have to put up with what a kitten can do. I would also suggest you get neutered males. They have the best temperament. As for cat breeds, get a regular cat. Less care for them. And they have lots of love to share. When looking try to find the ones who reach out to you. They are picking you. You can't go wrong that way. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen