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cat anxiety; cat pulling out fur; valerian mix herbs for cats;


Hi  Could you please tell me why my cat would be pulling out his fur all the time ? He is four years old now. This has just started in the last couple of months. We feed him the same , a little wet meat and cat dry crumbles.  He has a cat door so he can come and go as he pleases. ?

Hi Dennis, Your cat may have an obsessive habit to pull his fur.  This compulsive habit will be brought on by anxiety.  I would see the vet just to have a good exam of the fur and skin.  ( rule out any parasites such as mites or others)

If it is an anxiety issue, Valerian mix works great in cats.  
Valerian is a all natural herb:
see here for Valerian usage:
This is a combo of Valerian and other Relaxing herbs:
Cat Aggression and anxiety product: all natural  ( made in your country)***

Hope this helps.

If the Herbal mix works, you will know it was not mites or other skin issues.

When in doubt, please see our local Vet for an exam.

BEST wishes !

Marie Peppers LPN MA