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Kitten litter training, help please


Hello Norman,

I'm having trouble figuring out how to train this litter or 5 kittens how to use the litter box. I'm using the bottom of a shoe box which I cut the sides down enough so they can easily crawl over and get into it. However the little ones like to eat it. I bought a kitty litter that says its 99% natural ingredients but i had to take away the litter box because they keep eating the litter.
How do I get them to stop eating the litter? And how do I get them to go in the litter box?
The mothers litter box isnt near the kitten box and kittens litter box, should i move it near? Do they learn from watching their mother only?
Please help,


First of all, I would put the kitten box near mama's box and put some dirty litter from mama's box into the kitten's box so they know what it is for.

Also, for now, avoid using clumping litter as it can swell up in the kittens' throats if they eat it.

It is perfectly normal for little kittens to eat litter at the beginning, they usually get over that pretty quickly. If they smell mama's litter in their box, they should be less likely to eat the litter.

It usually takes kittens a little bit of time until they get the hang of using the litter pan. You just need some patience.  Often after they have eaten a meal, we put the kittens into their litter box, one at a time to help give them the idea.  It is natural for domestic cats to want to use "sand" to do their business, so they usually catch on reasonably quickly.  Although, there always seems to be one who stubbornly takes a little longer.

It is unclear whether or not they learn by watching mama. Orphaned kittens figure it out and they have no mama to learn from.

Please feel free to ask for any clarification of the above.

Seasonal regards... Norm.