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How do I know if my kittens allergic to anything??


That really depends on the type of symptoms that your kitten has. Cats tend to become very itchy and may even lose fur to over grooming when they have allergies. It's also worth noting that cats can have allergic reactions to food, fleas, scents, dust, dust mites and pretty much anything else that people can be allergic to. If you think that your kitten is allergic to something I would recommend that you seek veterinary care within a fairly short period of time, say 24-48 hours. Your vet will likely recommend a special diet for your kitty to see if there are any food allergies, and if your kitten has fleas they will be removed with an appropriate product for the age and health of your kitten. Ultimately I'm not a vet and I can't provide you with medical diagnoses, all that I can really do is recommend that you seek vet care if you have any reason to think that your kitten may be sick or experiencing discomfort from allergies. It's very important to treat feline allergies quickly and properly while being followed closely by your veterinarian because things like scratching or grooming excessively can become habits that are difficult to change.