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is my cat miscarrying?


My neighbors 1 year old cat has been pregnant approximately 40 -50 days. She has not gotten very big, but teats are bright pink and balding. Her activity levels have not changed. This morning she was discharging blood and some thin mucous. She does not have a fever and is still eating and drinking and acting as if nothing is wrong. Is this early labor or a miscarriage? Please help.
thank you, Sue


You may have the date that she mated slightly off. If she is delivering her babies you should see kittens within a fairly short period of time. If you don't see any kittens by morning at the latest I would strongly suggest that you take your kitty to the vet and find out what is happening. Be forewarned the vet may have to do x-rays and blood work to be sure of what is going on, if your cat has a kitten stuck in the birth canal then a c-section is a possibility. Hopefully that helps. If you happen to notice that your kitty seems restless or acts odd over the following days and she has kittens it may be a good idea to take kittens and all into the vet to make sure that there is no infection, retained babies, etc. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.