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off-white balls drop out of my cats


my cats "5years& 3years" recently have small off-white balls drop out of them, it doesn't drop from their hair it is from their back.
this is the first time i see such things... these very small balls are every where on carpet , couch ,bed
and i don't know what is the problem with them, i gave them a pills for Worms yesterday which i usually give it to them every 3months
can you help me in this please

Hi Rawd,

What you're seeing are tapeworm segments. These are actually egg sacs from a large worm that is living inside your cat's intestines. The egg sacs can move freely for a short time after they're passed through the anus. Then, they dry out and break open, releasing the worm eggs.

The worms are actually passed through fleas, since the eggs are not directly infective. A flea larva must consume the worm egg from the environment. Then, when the cat grooms the flea off himself, he becomes infected with the worm. Less commonly, some tapeworms are passed when a cat eats infected rodents. So it's important to be sure your cat is treated against fleas, if possible. Preventing hunting would also be desirable.

As for removing the worms, you should treat them with tablets for tapeworms. Preferably, this will contain praziquantel, a proven and safe ingredient. In most places, you can obtain this at pet supply stores. If not, your vet can supply it for you.

Good luck!