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American Shorthair Kitty


My American Shorhair female is 9 months old and I got her a month ago from a breeder.  She has extremely lose stools.  I have changed her food several times but it isn't helping.  What can I do for her?  The litter box has to be changed several times a day!!!  Thank you for any suggestions you may have.

Changing her food may be exactly what is upsetting her stomach.  Some cats can have sensitive stomachs and some foods can be too rich for them, and diet changes can also cause problems.  If you are feeding her kitten food, I would suggest switching her to an adult food and they may solve your problem right there.  I would also suggest finding a brand that has a sensitive stomach recipe.  Science Diet has a great Sensitive Stomach, but other brands are equally as good.  You may need to also add some extra fiber into her diet.  Also, if she has not already been checked for intestinal parasites I would suggest doing that as well.  Coccidia is one that can cause horrible diarrhea, so it may not be the diet at all.
