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Kitten wees on my bed but also in her tray


Hi i have a rag doll 9 week old kitten. She has done wees twice on my bed but she will do it in her tray. I've washed my bedding. And now I keep my door closed. I'm just not sure what else I can do.
Please help thanks blair

Hi Blair,

At 9 weeks old your kitten is still a baby. Most kittens learn from their mother how to use a litter box but 9 weeks is still too young to be taken from siblings and mother - I would have recommended 12 weeks. Since you have the kitten now, it is your job to teach her about litter boxes. PLease read the following article and follow the advice about kittens who have not learned to be litter trained yet (using the tray sometimes does not mean she fully understands):

If you are still having problems after another 2 weeks take your kitten to the vet.