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Oriental Show Cat wetting the bed...and vomitting


We were given and oriental short hair show cat from an Aunt who is a breeder in Boston. She hit her 10 yrs and was forced to retire. We have had her for one full year and she still has problems. She grooms herself constantly and over eats then vommits the food and the hair she just groomed. The cat food could be wet/dry and even hairball formula and she still vommits. Also she has urinated on the spare room bed 4 times in the last 2 weeks. The litter is changed regularly and we have two litters and only two cats. Our second cat is a resue from the SPCA and she is 3.5 yrs old. No problems with the cat at all. Any suggestions on both issues would be greatly appreciated.


Is your Oriental spayed?  If not, this may be some of your problem.  Unspayed females will urinate in inappropriate places.

Have you had her checked for a urinary tract problem?  Often these also result in inappropriate urination.

Also, at age 10 she would be considered geriatric and I would have her teeth checked.  The voracious eating and immediate vomiting may be the sign of a number of things, so I would have her checked by a vet to see if there is a bacterial or viral infection causing some of the problem.

Similarly, the over grooming can also be caused by a myriad of things ranging from food or environmental allergies to a hypersensitivity to body mites.  Again, a vet visit may be able to help get a handle on this.

Please let me know what happens.

Best regards... Norm.