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my cat wont stop licking me


me and my boyfriend have a problem with our new kitty Trudy. We got her when she was very young( 5 weeks old) because the mother was rejecting her. Ever since we brought her home, she does this thing where she licks our necks ( and now other body parts) until the skin is raw or bruised. We do remove her once she starts doing this, and we have to lock her out of the bedroom because she would do it all night if she could. She is now almost 12 weeks old and shows no sign of slowing down. I was told this is just her way of showing affection but its very frustrating and annoying. What can we do to make her stop for good?

Hi Karli,

She sounds like she is going through a transference stage. Because she was so young when removed from the mom things like this happen. You can do what I do. When a kitten or cat does behavior like that  and you want to break it of it, blow in their face. A sharp puff in the face startles them and they back down. They learn that their licking behavior causes the puff and they stop. It doesn't harm them and they don't associate you with it.
The other thing is she will stop on her own. As she gets older this behavior will fade. The combination of time and the puffing will take care of the problem. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen