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feeding newborn


We found a stray cat that was very pregnant. We noticed she is missing her bottom 4 nipples. The kittens were born last night and seem to latch on to the top four nipples but the nipples are turning red. We bought supplement formula and they don't seem to want to latch on. How do we get them to latch and feed? I've read a lot of how to hold them and how much to give and when. But they don't seem to be getting enough from mom.

When the kittens are first born they are just drinking colostrum from the mom. They don't really start gaining weight and eating a lot until the second day. The colostrum is not as filling as milk but mom won't have her milk until day 2/3.It is always best to leave the kittens with mom so if they are latched on and seem to be happy.. just leave them..
If the kittens are not getting enough to eat they will be crying all the time and not latching on to mom. They would be circling in the box and crying aimlessly. So, it sounds like the babies are probably fine!