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drooling and runny eyes


i have a 7 yr old tomcat which only recently has started drooling. he has had runny eyes for some time due to an infection many yrs ago which he only just survived and ended up getting gingivitis but now his gums look slightly red at the front and his tooth looks damaged he also jumps if you touch his nose please any advise would be useful

He should see a vet. Cats are notorious for getting over an upper respiratory infection (URI), then carrying the germs with them. This can turn into lingering chronic sinus problems, and since the teeth are thisclose to the sinuses, travel into a full-blown face issue with the sinuses, teeth and gums.

He could also have dental issues completely separate from any lingering effects of URI, and this can become serious if not taken care of. Gingevitis can loosen teeth, the gums becoming very infected (which is why he reacts in pain when you touch the front of his face), and can ultimately cause septicimea, a case of blood poisoning when (ew) puss travels from the infected gums to the bloodstream.

Most vets are well-versed on things that can be done to treat your cat. Some are not cheap, but again, most vets will work with you to help you take care of your cat and to keep him from being in pain.

He will continue to eat, even if in pain, but you do not want him to lower his food intake, since he needs to keep his strength. Seven is still young for a cat, and he should recover well when medically treated.

Good luck with your cat.