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Cat diseases



I was wondering if you knew what Felv+ means because I do not. I know that it is a disease and that cats that have it can't be around those who don't but what type of disease is it? How does it affect the cat? I want to get a cat at my local rescue and on it's website it says that some cats have Felv+ and others do not so I want to make sure I don't get a cat with a serious problem or something like that.

Thank you!

Hi Suzanne!

Felv+ means that the cat is positive for Feline Leukemia. So if you have other cats, you may not want one that is. It is highly contagious.  Some cats do not have the actual disease, but are carriers that can still spread it to your own cats.  The rescue group is responsibly letting people know so that if they already have a cat that is positive for leukemia, then they may want to adopt one of these, and if not,then it would be best not to bring one into your home.   Always have any new cat or kitten tested before you bring it home.  It could be disastrous otherwise, infecting all of your cats if they are positive.  There is a vaccine that will help prevent this disease.   You are smart to check on this before adopting.

Good luck and God Bless,