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cat cries all night and goes crazy


my cat is 19 years old.  She whines (not cries) many times during the night and daytime. She is not hungry. She acts weird - a shrill whining.  She also runs up and down the hallway whining too - as if she's seen a ghost. I've never seen anything like this.  She wakes me up at least 5 times a night. I have to block her out of my room with a screen because she gets on the bed and has to be right in my face - touching me with her paw in my face. Does she need attention all night long?


Your kitty is 94 years old in human years! At this point I would guess she is deaf. At night they especially whine or meow because the house is silent and the cat cannot feel the vibrations of where everyone is. She also is likely to have 'kitty alzheimer'. She is probably very confused. Not only mentally but not understanding why she isn't like she used to be.

One, she needs to get an 'older cat' checkup. She needs her kidneys, thyroid, and liver checked. Things start giving out. You need to find out if she is trying to tell you if something hurts and at the same time rule out a medical problem.
They also get arthritis which is painful and any number of other 'old cat' ailments which could be making her cry.

Two, she needs alot of reassurance and love. She doesn't understand what is happening and she needs you to let her know she is still the same special kitty she was.

Love her and give her as much attention as you can now...while you still can. Be happy she is still with you and still CAN put a paw in your face.

I am including a link to some good articles about elderly cats. You may find some helpful information to better understand the aging process of your kitty. Cut and paste, or type, the whole link into your address bar:

And this is a good article too:

I hope this helps you and your kitty,
