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6 mo cat attacking new 7wk kitten


Hey there.
My 6mo male cat has a new addition to his house. A little 7wk old kitten.  At first he was spitting and growling...but now a week later every time the kitten is awake the older cat pounces on his scruff and holds him down, biting everywhere, the little kitten is practically screaming!  I have broken them apart so family with a history of cats told me not to break them up...but I cant help it my heart just breaks for the little one.  Is this normal?  Should I be breaking them up?  Also when hes stalking the kitten or just being pushed off of him he does this chirping a stutter...not sure what its all about.  Please help!

Hi Hilary,

Oh, you poor thing..I can imagine how stressful this is!!

What I suspect is happening is that the bigger cat thinks the little one is 'prey'(which might account for the chirping noise- that is usually a noise kitties make when they're seriously hunting) Does it seem like big kitty is honestly trying to hurt little kitty? If so, I would separate them. 7 weeks is very very young, and he could get hurt. Don't scold big cat for protecting his house, but do try and keep little kitty safe.

I'd suggest getting a product called 'Rescue Remedy', it is made for humans and you can get it online, or at a health food store/pharmacy. It's safe for cats, just put a couple of drops in big cats water- it will calm him down a bit.

When little kitty gets a bit older let them work it out, but protect him while he is still so small.

Wishing you lots of good luck, it sounds like you're on the right track, follow your instincts with them.  :)