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Pregnant housecat - neighbours?


Hi kate,
I'm really hoping you can help me. Last night I opened my front door to find a heavily pregnant cat sitting on my doorstep. She didn't seem scared so I assume she's a house cat. She looked into my flat as though she was looking for a place to nest. Of course, I didn't let her in and she left the front step soon afterwards.
Today, I got home from work to find her hiding behind the wheelie bins in the courtyard of my flat complex. She meowed at me and my heart broke! The weather is atrocious- high winds and some rain. Her legs look t be soaked but I don't now if her waters have broke or if she has been lying on the wet ground all day. I really want to help but not sure how to. I live in a first-floor flat with no spare rooms so can't take her in (nowhere for her to be alone). i have a shed but can't keep the door open enough to let her in without having it wide open.

I live on an estate so she could belong to anybody!

I really don't know what to do. I was hoping she'd either go home or have gone to a better nesting site by now. (Don't cats usually have a place picked out to hive birth?)

I have a plastic tub big enough (i think) for her and can shred some newspaper but not sure where to put it. The  courtyard is too open and I doubt she'd be safe....  

cats are pretty smart and are normally very good at looking after them selves. All you can do for is to provide somewhere warm like a cardboard box with some newspaper or an old blanket in. leave it in the best place you can where she won't be too disturbed, difficult i know on an estate, but in bushes or alleyway. If you think she is homeless and are concerned for her safety then you could call your nearest rescue center who may be able to advise or even provide her with temporary accommodation until her kittens are born.
Don't forget cats are still wild at heart and even though they can get used to being house cats they never lose their instincts.
Perhaps you could leave  a little food for her just to keep her going in case she is homeless.

I wish all the very best and thank you for caring.
