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Cat has fallen ill


My cat is 5 years old, and I have recently noticed a dramatic weight loss in her. She has become very light, her faeces are sometimes runny and sometimes hard and very dark in colour, but always considerably less than she usually produces.
Her voice has changed and she always wants fresh water to drink. I also noticed that she has started eating some of her litter(the stones).
I took her to the vet for some blood tests, and they have ruled out leukemia, kidney problems and cat AIDS. The vet said she has 2 balls in her stomach which are abnormal, and also said she is too young to have cancer, but from what i understood is that there isn't much to do to find out what is wrong with her.I'm very worried about her.
could you please give me an idea about what her problem could be and what I should do.

Thank you very much


I am not a vet, but the two lumps in the stomach would concern me.  Although 5 years of age is not too old for a cat, one cannot immediately rule out cancer.  If all the treatments for the clinical symptoms are failing, it may be worthwhile to pursue the tumor concept.  It may also be that the tumors are benign but causing many of the symptoms.

Please let me know what further you find out.

Best regards... Norm.