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Alberts scratching

20 16:46:43

Hi Kris,

My male cat Albert constantly shakes his head and scratches around his ears and side of his mouth.  I comb him everyday with a flea comb (he does go outside)and get rid of them if he has them.

I've read it could be mites, fungal infection or even feline leukemia.  I'm a bit strapped right now to be going to vet.  Do you think there is anything holistic I can do.  He's only a little over a year old.


I don't know any holisic treatments for ear mites.  I'm guessing teatree oil but I don't know how you would use it.  You can try a search on the internet for holistic pet remedies and see what comes up, or you can save for taking him to the vet.  I don't think this is a fast trip to  the vet unless he's in obvious pain and discomfort.  And I had a thought as I was writting this.  See about starting a special savings at your bank or credit union.  Or find a good stashing place at home and on every payday,deposit or stash away $100 of whatever you can part with.  CAll it your vet account.  Only to be used for taking your animals to the vet.  If, for instance, your cat needs something done that costs more than you have saved, you can use that plus your household income.  