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older cat kitten problems


We rescued a young male cat about 8 weeks ago. We had him checked out and neutered right away. We also have 3 older cats, 2 males and a female. The oldest male and female keep the kitten at bay and puts up with him daily. No real problems there. The middle cat is just plain scared of the young cat. It has now gotten to the point of our older cat has defecated in the kitchen sink and used the stove top to urinate into. He won't use the litter box at all. We have 3 boxes! For now, the middle cat is locked in a separate room with his own litter box. How can we have a happy family with all 4 cats?

I wonder how you initially introduced them all to each other.

if you did not introduce them using a safe  room method then this could be the reason for the problem.

However don't worry this can be done now. It does take a little time and effort but is really worth it in the end as it allows the cats to get to know each other and build up confidence in a safe environment.

I have written about this procedure here on my web site


I hope things are better soon
best wishes Kate