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Kittens and Christmas trees


I have a 5 month old kitten who is great, but like most kittens, loves to get into anything she can.  I would really like to put up my Christmas tree this year, but I know she will mess with it every chance she gets!  

I don't use tinsel or glass ornaments, so I don't have to worry about her eating them, but the tree and the ornaments are still quite special to me, and I don't want her messing them up.  I will be gone for several hours in the day, so I can't always watch her.  Is there anything non-toxic I can buy or make to put near the tree to keep her away?  Or is there any thing else I can do?  Thanks.  

well i can only tell you how i do it.
i put up the tree at least 3 days before i intend to decorate it. that way the can can climb it, knock it over, play on it and eventually get tired of it, then after about 3 days i decorate it with lights and plastic ornaments. you are correct in that you should not use tinsil.

the cat MIGHT eat some of the artificial pine needles, usually this doesnt hurt them and they only usually do it once because it does not taste good. just pay attention to the cat, to make sure it is still feeling good and playing. the eating of the tree usually doesnt slow them down, they poop it right out undigested and go on their merry way.

merry christmas!