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should they stay together?


hi, i have 2 cat, one female and male. they are from the same litter. i got them when they were 8 weeks old and they have never had a day away from eachother. the female, teara, is very very attached to me. she cuddles with me every night and watches me get ready in the bathroom. she will also just lay down on me or buy me when i am around. when i come home she meows and jumps on me to have me pick her up.however, she is very scared of my moms cats.(she has four.) teara stays upstairs were the other cats dont go until the other cats get put away at night, then she will come down. Garfield, my male cat is a lovable cat and loves anybody who loves him. he loves playing with the other four cats and is downstairs in the main area all day long. my problem is....i am moving to Florida in 6 days. i have permission to bring one cat. i would bring teara, i feel that she would need me more than Garfield. but should i separate them. they still sleep together and clean eachother and play and run around at night with eachother. would my cat me more upset at loosing me or loosing Garfield...her brother? i just want to do what is best for my babies. nomatter what i do i am going to miss them like crazy!! please help. thank you

Hi Stephanie,  It so sad to hear that only one of your brother and sister cats can go with.  I can only give you my own feelings on this one, as only you can really decide.  It sounds like Garfield is fitting in more than your Teara which does sound like it would be a better match to leave Garfield behind if your mother can take care of an extra one?

What a hard decision to make for you, and I'm sorry you can't keep them together.  But a good life in any home is still a good LIFE : -)

Thanks and the best of luck with your tough decision.