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Agressive behavior


We have three cats - mother, father and we kept one of the kittens when the female cat had her litter. They all got along great until recently the baby male cat now 1 year old started going after the other male cat - he didn't like him at all.  We took him to get sprayed hoping this would help, but it did not.  We have to keep them apart.  I tried on many occasions to see if I could let him out of the bedroom, but right away he would go after the other male cat.  Is this how it will always be?  I don't know what to do.  They were the best of friends at one time.

Hi Joann,

Are the other two cats neutered? If not, this is part of the problem. There will be aggression between all three until all are fixed. Write back and let me know if this is the case. I can give you some more info when I find out. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen