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Cat Teet Care/Hygiene



My cat is about 5 years old now. Recently while she was laying in my lap I was rubbing her stomach and noticed a hard spot on her skin.

After matting down the fur around the area it looked like almost like a small wart. A hard white chalky substance seemed to come out of the skin. Part broke away when I ran a finger nail over it.

It seems to be one of her teets, and the others look normal although when matting the fur away and gently moving the skin to examine it, seem to create the same situation.

I apologize if this is not enough information, but i am curious to what this could be. She did seem discomforted by my examining and patiently waited for me to stop.

Hi Case,

There could be many things going on with her. She could have a granuloma, an infection, or even cancer. You need to get her to the vet. Having part of her teat break away is not normal. Neither is a discharge. Your vet will be able to let you know for sure if she is okay. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen