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6 month old male kitten - sick


My 6 month old male kitten was out in the garden on Sunday playing around, when he came in later in the evening for food. We noticed that one side of his face (mouth) was very swollen (possible a bee or wasp sting). He was eating & drinking perfectly fine until Monday mid morning when he started being sick a number of times. Is this normal after a sting for a kitten to be sick? Is it a way that the poison comes out of his body?

Hi Tanya,

This could be from the insect bite. Since you don't know what type of insect bit him I can't say for sure. However I would take him the vet just to be on the safe side. This could be a serious reaction. The vet will be able to administer an injection to take care of the vomiting and the facial swelling. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen