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hi i am 13 but i just lost my cat and i love animals i am planning on being a vet i take very good care of my dog guinea pig and turtle so i just think they will say no more pets  :(

Followup To

Question -

ummm well i dont know how to ask my parents if i can get a kitten withought them saying no :(


Answer -

How old are you?  Why do you think your parents would say no?

The usual reason for parents saying no is that their children often say they will take full responisbility for the pet (kitten, puppy, or what have you). Normally, this lasts about a month and the parents have to take over.

Before you get a kitten, I would suggest purchasing and reading:

"Kittens for Dummies" by Dusty Rainbolt; 2004; Wiley Publishing, inc., Hoboken, NJ

It would give you a good idea of what you are getting into and show you parents that you are serious about doing this.  It may also be that when you see what is involoved, you may rethink your plan.  BTW, kittens, although they are cute as the dickens DO grow up into adult cats.

With proper care and socialization kittens and cats can make marvelous pets.  However, this does depend on care of the kitten being done properly from the beginning, which is why this book is a must.

Best regards... Norm.  


If you are planning to be a vet, you may want to get a copy of the "Kittens for Dummies" book I cited on my answer to your original question.  

If you have a good track record with the turtle and guinea pig, maybe it is on to something a bit more challenging, like a kitten.

If your parents are against too many pets, they do have a valid concern.

Good luck and best regards... Norm.