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Black spots on cat..


Yes, My cat is a few years old now, I think like 3-4 and noticed he has black spots on the inside of his lips, They dont seem to bother him but is this normal?

Also, My cat has a tendency to bend his front legs down..Kinda like you hold your arms and hands out stright but then try to pull down just your hands so they make like an N..Does other cats do this as well? We had him declawed a while back and noticed he started doing it, Not quite sure if he did it before-hand thou, So I was reading that in some cases declawing of cats can sometimes lead to a life-long discomfort..and that made me start to think..

Help please. :)

Is your cat a red tabby or a cream tabby? Or a brown tabby?
These spots often develop in red or cream tabbies and once in a while in a brown tabby. My 11-year-old red tabby has had them for years. No one seems to know what causes them but they are not harmful and nothing to worry about.

If your cat is not one of these colors, though, it could be a problem and something you might want to have your vet check out. If there is no evidence of discomfort, it is something that can wait a few weeks.

Unfortunately I believe the front leg thing probably does result from the declawing and there probably isn't going to be anything you can do about it. This operation can be performed a couple of different ways, some more invasive and prone to after-effects than others. If the declawing was within the last couple of months, then I think there's a definite connection. But if it was longer ago, then you may also want to have him checked out for joint problems. There are genetic conditions that involve the front and back "knees" of a cat and may require surgery. The surgery is, however, expensive and not always effective. It may be that all you can do for him is have your vet assess whether he is in pain and prescribe medication for pain relief.

Hope this helps
