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cat..outside of the box


I wrote to you last month about a 14Y/o male cat that was upset because my son's 2 dogs moved in.  Your advise was great we are not yet one big happy family but we do have some good days.

The problem now is that the cat has decided to show his anger by leaving stool samples under the dining room table.  Any advise on stopping this would be greatly appreciated to say the lest.



There is a problem with dogs and cats.  Many times, dogs think that cat poop is candy, so, when the cat is doing his business, the dogs are right there to inspect and gobble up, if possible.  So, it may be necessary to find a way to have the cat's litter pan somewhere the dogs cannot get to.  

You may also have to have more than one litter pan, so the cat can do his business in peace.  Cats are very territorial about litter pans and may stop using a litter pan for certain things, if it is in a place the cat cannot get some privacy.

Just for completeness, I am providing a link to a really good article on cat house soiling problems:

When ypou clean up the poop, you also want to use an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet stains and odors (available at you pet supermarket or farm store).

Good luck and best regards... Norm.