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New Kitten - Meowing and Blood in Stool



We (my boyfriend and I) adopted a kitten from the humane society a week and a half ago. He is 8.5 weeks old. It has been crying incessantly since. I think the most of it is for attention, but he doesn't give up. We had to lock him up at the other end of the apartment and close all the doors in between. (I realise how cruel this sounds, but two nights with little sleep and demanding jobs require sleep!) The kittens had been at the kennels for two days on kitten food, previously, they were on adult food at a farm. I noticed blood in his stool and had a stool sample analyzed.. they found nothing but gave me bismuth to give him. 1 ml 3 times a day, I gave it to him for a day and a half and everything was fine along with special adult food. We visited the vet and she said he was fine, other than worms - for which she treated him. Now, a day later, we returned to kitten food, as instructed, and last  night he was sick (I think I over fed him) and he had a bm on my bed - it had quite a bit of blood in it. I really don't know what to do with the kitten. I try to play with it and stimulate it when I get back from work. I am searching for a laser pointer at the moment to entertain him at times and will be gradually getting more toys. This morning I stuck a ticking clock in a blanket and put it in his room. It kept him quiet for ... maybe 5 minutes, which was nice.

I look forward to your help!!

it could be because he doesnt trust or know anyone just yet. he has to get comfy around everyone and for the blood it could mean a whole lot of diff things. it could be damaged tissue it could be cancer of the colon or a number of other things. i would ask you vet to give the kitten and total check over inculding examing the anus such as the anal glands also i would have her to a complete blood work on the kitten

keep me updated
