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Tilly and her kittens


Hi, Norman.  Its me again!  The kittens are now 6 weeks old, today in fact.  Tilly has started walking around the house and screeching!  I don't know whats wrong with her, what she wants.  I've tried everything.  She looks so hurt when I screech back and tell her to shut up!  The kittens are thriving and have explored every corner of the house,  we adore them and are keeping them all, but Tilly is driving us insane!  Help!!


It sounds as if Tilly is in season.  When the kittens get to be between 4 and 6 weeks old, the mama often has a season called a "lactation" heat.  She is capable of being bred and becoming pregnant again while in this season so soon after giving birth, so you must be vigilant.

Best regards... Norm.