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Cat Chirping



Dear Kate,

My post isn't exactly to do with a problem, but more of a behaviour my cat displays.
My cat Gizmo is around 17 years old, and in recent years he has definitely become more affectionate and is willing to socialise with us.
Sometimes when I see him and say his name he will make a noise which sounds like 'prrr arrt'- I've often taken it is a happy sound. I've read about the sound and know it is sometimes called'chirruping/chirping'.
Why does he do this?


well it is often the case that older cats do become more affectionate and vocal. This can because they feel a little more insecure and look to you for comfort and attention more. i have a web page about older cats behavior here which you may find of interest


The chirruping sound is generally associated with a greeting. they will often make the sound to other cats and also to their owners. i know mine does this all the time. its funny really its as if they haven't seen me for so long (about 10 minutes).

I have another page all about cat calls etc which you may like to see


best wishes Kate