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Extreme Aggressive Behavior Change


My cat's been living in this house for over 6 months and just these past weeks (when he got sick:sneezing and goopy eye) he's experienced some drastic behavior changes.  He's always played slightly aggressively but lately he's come to snuggle and demand pets and then as I'm petting him he'll turn around, stare at my arm like it's possessed and attack it.  He lunges and bites for about a few seconds and then he'll turn around and demand pets again. After he finishes his mood changes he just goes to sleep and snuggles up to my head and he's fine until the next night.  Usually happens really early in the morning about an hour after I let him inside.  Just the look he gets in his eye when he stares at my arm is pretty unnerving.   What can I do to fix this?

Hi Anna,

You have described the "your time is up, now stop petting me" aggressive behavior. For whatever reason he doesn't want you touching him beyond a certain time. And he is letting you know in no uncertain terms that he wants no more touching. It may have started because of being sick. You may have been petting him and he just wanted to be left alone. He now does it because he realized that he can get you to pet him and then get you to stop immediately. There isn't too much you can do. You do recognize when he is going to pounce. You can either stop when you see him begin to react or you can try to redirect him. You can try offering him a treat when you see he is about to go loco. This might redirect his aggression and stop it altogether. You can also try giving him some of these.

They may help. I wish I could help you further. See how he does with the treats. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen