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senior cats behavior



9 year old chloe
i recently brought home a kitten to my 9 year old dmh. i noticed the other day my older cat looked a little slim. i don't think shes eating anymore and if she is it isn't very much. i understand stress from the kitty is normal. shes been the princess for 9 years uncontested,is she being ultra stubborn or should i worry she'll starve?they always have food available in separate dishes and neither are outdoor!

Hi Tyler,

First off, I would get her to vet to be checked out. She may be sick and it's just coincidental that it happens when you just got a new kitten. If Chloe checks out okay you will have to tempt her with some special treats. I would use deli chicken. Most cats love it. She may also need some extra attention from you. She could be feeling neglected or ignored. Try spending some extra quality time with her. She should be fine with the little one in a couple of weeks. She won't starve in the mean time if she isn't sick. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen