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weight, appetite, kittens


my cat is less than a yr old and recently had her first litter of (3) kittens. It's been 3 wks now and she has little appetite and has lost alot of weight is that normal? She also follows me where i go and at times she meows as if she's in pain? After having the kittens she was feeding them all them time but now she's not and the kittens meow and lick there mouths as if they are dehydrated. Can there be something wrong? Are can the kittens be dehydrated? What can i do to help them?


I don't know why your cat is having kittens - why was she not spayed? Please take your cat and her kittens to the vet IMMEDIATELY kittens will die quickly if dehydrated and it sounds like they are not getting milk. If the mother cat seems in pain she probably is in pain, she could have a miscarried kitten dead inside her, or some other problem from the delivery. PLEASE don't ask questions like this on the internet take them to the emergency vet right away!