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Christmas Trees


I know it's early for the holidays, but this is my first with a cat.  

Is it possible to even have a Christmas tree?  I really would miss not using my ornaments.  I never use tinsel and could even forego lights without an issue.   And what is better - real or artifical?  

Thanks, Anne

It depends on your cat's personality... my 2 cats liked to
sit underneath the tree and sleep..or I had problems with them opening Christmas presents hehe and the tinsel my one
cat would want to eat. They might try to climb the tree or
bat at the decorations too. The larger the tree I would
think the more appealing to the cat. You'll just have to
test the waters with your cat.. I suppose if you bought an
artificial tree and it didn't work out, you could exchange
it for a smaller tree  if you buy a real tree, you'd be
stuck with it if it proves to be more of a nuisance than
an enjoyment
  You could also choose to put the tree in a room that
would be off limits to the cat (by closing the door for example)
  I'm sure there are products at the pet store too that
can be sprayed on the tree to make it unappealing to your cat
hope this helps