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kittens being sick


hi we have a cat who had kittens about 16 weeks ago, then the mum cat got pregnant again and had new kittens 3 days ago, but mum let the older kitten feed off her the night before the new ones were born and now the older kittens are bringing up bile and are not eating can you advise me on this thanks

Hi Rona,

I don't think this is caused by feeding off the moms milk. Are the kits lethargic? If they are you need to get them to a vet.  What color is the vomit? Are the kits drinking any water? Is it just one episode of vomiting or are they constantly retching? How are the new kits doing? Are they vomiting? There is a lot of questions that need to be answered. Here is a good link about vomiting cats and what could be the cause of it. You need to narrow down the cause of the vomiting before you can figure out what the cure is.

Keep them away from the mom. Don't give them any food for a few hours. Give their stomachs time to relax. But make sure they have water available. And if they are vomiting alot, are lethargic, or have abnormal temperature, you need to get them to the vet ASAP. Hopefully they vomited from an upset tummy and are better by now. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen