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Neutered Cat Runs Away


My parent's cat met a buddy and the new cat quickly became part of the family.  My parents had the original cat since he was a baby kitten and he had been neutered when he was old enough.  The "new" cat had not been neutered and my parents waited a while to make sure he didn't belong to another family.  They finally decided to have him neutered and the next day he slipped out of the house and he hasn't come back for 2 days.  Is this normal for newly neutered cats?  Is there a chance he will come back when he feels better?

Hi Kim,

This something that can happen. Here is a link that will help your parents recover him. Most likely it is because he was a stray and got the opportunity to roam and took it. The fact that he was neutered could have upset him a little.

He should come back. Try those things listed in the above link. They should work. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen