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how to train


how do you train your cat to sit and stay ?

This is not an easy thing to do. you do not say how old your cat is but I can assure you that the older the kitty, the more difficulat this will probably be. If it is a kitten you will have a better chance. Cats can be trained but not as easily as dogs. Stay will prove very tough. Cats are curious and can hardly help themselves when they want to go and do or look at some thing. Sitting is possble using positive reinforcement. When your cat comes to you on his own and sits, reward him with a treat immediately at the same time repeating the word sit over and over. This same technique works for many animals - dogs learn quickly and so do pigs. With your cat it will take quite a while to do it.  After a while when you say sit, the cat may do it having related sitting to getting a treat. You will have to continue the positive reinforcement for a while or the cat will lose the incentive to cooperative. But be careful about giving too many treats - better have a healthy cat then one that sits on command. You can enjoy your cats love and affection without it doing tricks but if he gets obese, you won't get to have him with you as long as you would want. And also remember that cats never train as rapidly as a dog. If your cat does not respond, you can keep trying but you should not dismay if it doesn't work as quick as you might hope. Cats are cats - they have an independant nature that dogs do not. As many cat people say, most of the time its the cat who give the orders. But enjoy your time with him and give it a try. Always use positive reinforcement of treats and praise and NEVER hit or force your cat physically. That will not work, will harm the cat, and harm your relationship. All the best!