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pregant cats


how long is the gestation period for a pregant cat


Cat pregnancies typically last anywhere from 60 days to 68 days. If you suspect that your cat is pregnant it is probably a good idea to take her to the vet and have her examined to be sure that all is well. You should also be aware that pregnant and nursing female cats should eat a good quality kitten food to provide the proper nutrition and allow mom and babies to be at their healthiest. Around the end of the pregnancy you will probably notice that your kitty's appetite increases somewhat and her activity level decreases, this is perfectly normal behavior. It is a good idea to help create a place for mom to have her kittens so that she doesn't choose a location that you would rather that she didn't (ie: your pillow, laundry basket, etc). For cats they prefer to have their babies in dimly lit and quiet areas. You can pull the shades in a bedroom that is used by adults and make a bed out of a cardboard box. It is a good idea to choose a box that has high enough sides that the kittens can't start to wander off. You may need to cut down the front of the box to allow mom easy access to get into and out of the box. To help keep mom and the babies comfortable you will need to line the box with clean towels (you can use old clothing or bedding as long as there is a enough to make a fluffy and comfortable bed, but old towels really are the best in terms of absorbing any moisture). Once the kittens are born you will need to change the bedding as it will likely be wet with a mixture of  blood and amniotic fluid. I do generally recommend that you use old clean towels to line the bedding that the kittens will start to grow up in as they are generally warm and soft. If the bedding becomes soiled you will need to change it. You should be aware that cats do not want an audience when they have their babies. You will want to keep the traffic and noise to a minimum in the room where the mom is having her little ones or her labor may stall and you will need a vet to try and get the little ones delivered safely and save mom's life. Most times cats do not need any help delivering their kittens. It is normal for some cats to yowl during delivery. Some cats will have their babies in a squatting position. The signs that there is trouble and you need to get mom and any babies that she has delivered to the vet urgently are things like mom passing dark greenish fluid from her vagina. This generally means that the placenta has separated too early and the kitten's lives are at risk. If mom has been straining hard for an hour or more without producing a kitten it is time to take her to the vet along with any babies that were previously born. If mom seems weak, anxious or restless for more than a half hour after the last kitten is born it is a good idea to take mom to the vet and have her evaluated. It is possible that a kitten is still inside of the uterus or birth canal. If mom is shaking, vomiting, or having trouble with her balance or standing up she may have a serious calcium deficiency. This is an emergency and requires immediate treatment to save mom and babies. Hopefully this information helps. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.