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Walking My Cat


Hello Carol.  I have a five month old kitten that I have trained to walk on a harness and leash.  He does very well and now he wants out all the time.  I was wondering if it is safe for me to continue walking him or should I stop the walks all together being that he is so little.  Will he get used to not going outside.  I am torn both ways with this.  My intention was to keep him strictly an indoor cat and then I keep reading that walking is okay.  Can he get sick or hurt if I walk him?  I'm concerned about some of the diseases he might pick up.


Walking your cat is EXCELLENT! It will make him a more sociable and mentally well-rounded out cat. Cats ARE animals and they are not meant to be locked up in 'box'. They LOVE to be outside to explore and you are a responsible pet owner by letting him do it under supervision.

He will NOT get any diseases from walking unless he is bitten or exchanges bodily fluids with a sick cat. He will NOT get injured by walking unless he is attacked by a dog. Just be careful and watchful at all times.

Walking is healthy for the cat AND for you.
