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young cat gets pregnant


I have cat that is about 5 to 6 months old and is pregnant.  Is there any precautions that I should take for such a young cat having babies or is this not a problem?

Here is a good article for you to read.

As for her youth, yes you should be watchful of certain things. First, she may be more likely to have difficulty delivering. Watch her for signs of approaching birth as the article says and at the first even minor sign of any distress, take her to the vet. There can be breech position kits or one can get lodged in the birth canal.

This is up to you, but if she is not too far along, you could consider teh vet aborting teh pregnancy which is a possibility but your decision.

Once she has given birth, sometimes first time young moms are not very good at it and may neglect the kittens care, You will have to pick up the slack including feedings around the clock. You will need kitten formula, not milk, for this. Your vet can help with guidance. The kittens will need to see the vet in any event for dewormings, blood tests and so on.

After the birth, please have her spayed.