Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > new mummy has no milk !!!!!!!!

new mummy has no milk !!!!!!!!


I had my first litter of kittens on sat. Orientals from a 3yr old that has previously had 2 litters.

i lost one kitten today. im worried the mum has no milk !! i cant see her swelling and the kittens dont suckle for more than a few seconds at a time. any advice would be gratefully accepted


Have you been weighing the kittens? This is the only sure fire way to see if they are gaining weight.  Also, if the kittens are not getting enough to eat, they should be whining all the time. By now, all the kittens should be rolly poly and not feel at all bony.  If they are not gaining weight, you will have to supplement them.

I have seen queens who appear to have no milk nurse their kittens successfully.

Do you need instructions on hand raising kittens?

Please let me know what is going on?

Best regards... Norm.