Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > I think my kittens got into our horses oats (with seed hulls)

I think my kittens got into our horses oats (with seed hulls)



Our newborn 'baby' :)
Hi there,
My kittens are currently living in the tack room of our barn. It is a large room and they are very comfortable, and safe there. when I went out this morning to feed and water them, %26 I noticed that one of the kittens' rectums looks as if it's on the outside of his body.#instead of inside and not visible like the others# It almost look like it's inside out. I hope you understand what I'm trying to tell you...I don't really know any other way to explain it. My first thought was that he may very well have gotten in to #the horses# oats, as they are stored in the tack room. The oats are whole w/seed hulls. I can't imagine that this is very easy for their tiny digestive tracts to process, but don't know for sure. What do you think the problem could be? Should I be concerned, or might it go away on its' own? I hope you can help me with my problem with my little kitten!!
Thanks so much for your time...I really appreciate it!!


I am not a vet, but it sounds as if your kitten has/had a prolapsed rectum.  This is easily treatable and he should be seeing a vet as soon as possible to make sure there are no complications.  In the short term, normal white table sugar can shrink the prolapse, but a veterinary examination and treatment is manditory!

Please elt me know what happens.

Best regards... Norm.