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Orpan Kitten


My cat had kitten's under my door step. She is wild and we have had her for three years . She has had two other litters and as far as I know took good care of them .She had five kittens this time. She moved four of them some where but she left one behind. I thought she would come back and get it but she would just walk up pretty close to it and look at it .but not go to it. It cried and cried but she just set and looked at it .After it was out there all day with no food and very cold I had to bring it in the house .I have raised kittens before but really didn't want to go through that again.But I just couldn't let it die. what makes them do that.

Hi Patricia,

Cats have minds of their own. She could have left that one because she knew you would be able to take care of it. She may have moved the others and left that one because there was no room for that one. Or she just wasn't able to take care of it. It's hard to say.

I'm glad you took the little one in. Just make sure she is warm. Being cold is the number one killer of kittens. I am attaching a recipe for my version of Kitty Glop. This stuff is great to raise orphans on. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen


1 can evaporated milk (not sweetened condensed)
2 tbsp. plain yogurt (not low or non fat)
2 tbsp. mayonnaise (real not light or No-Fat)
1 tbs. Karo Syrup (light)
1 pkg. Knox gelatin
1 egg yolk (beaten, )
1 cup Pedialyte (unflavored)
1- 2 jars Stage One Baby food (chicken or turkey)

Mix milk, yogurt, mayonnaise, baby food, and syrup together well. Bring 1 cup pedialyte to boil and mix in Knox gelatin. Set aside. Mix egg yolk with small amount of milk mixture and beat well.

Add gelatin and pedialyte to milk mixture and beat well. Add in egg yolk mixture and beat well. Remember to not use egg substitute and keep egg white to a minimum.

Pour into bowl (with cover) and set in refrigerator. Glop will last for two weeks covered in refrigerator. Try freezing the mixture in ice cube trays and store the cubes in the freezer, thaw as many as needed.
Always warm glop to room temperature ,(milk form), or a little warmer, before feeding.